Cookies ...
Banana Coconut Pecan Cookies
A fresh banana taste makes these cookies a perfect treat. So good, they won't last long.
Holiday Fun Facts:
  • The day after Christmas, December 26, is known as Boxing Day. It is also the holy day called The Feast of St. Stephen.
  • Queen Elizabeth's Christmas message to the nation was first televised on December 25, 1957.
  • "Jingle Bells" was first written for Thanksgiving but later became one of the most popular Christmas songs.
  • More than 330,000 real Christmas trees are sold via e-commerce or catalogs.
  • Over 73 million new Christmas trees will be planted this year.
  • Candy canes began as straight white sticks of sugar candy used to decorated the Christmas trees.
  • The day after Christmas, December 26, is known as Boxing Day. It is also the holy day called The Feast of St. Stephen.
  • Arthur Rankin, Jr., and Jules Bass achieved fame in 1964 with their animated version of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."
  • There are over 10,000 cut-your-own farms for Christmas trees in the United States.
  • American mistletoe, is one of 1,300 species of mistletoe worldwide - only two are native to the United States.
Due to the number of varieties, cookies will vary by recipient. Please consult the recipes on this site for information on ingredients.