Cookies ...
Pistachio Pudding Cookies
So easy - and delicious too! Everybody who tastes these cookies will be asking you for the recipe.
Holiday Fun Facts:
  • 92 volunteers from 24 states, as well as residence staff, spent 3,400 hours decorating the White House.
  • Doctor Maulana Karenga, a Professor at Cal State Long Beach, created Kwanzaa in 1966.
  • 1700s Europeans baked fruitcakes at the end of the harvest, then ate them at the beginning of the next year's harvest for good luck.
  • The American version of St. Nicholas, or Santa Claus originally came from the Dutch version called Sint Klaas.
  • More than 50,000 people are expected to attend 28 holiday parties at the White House in December 2009.
  • In 1948, the Marine Corps adopted the Toys for Tots program and extended it across the nation.
  • 92 volunteers from 24 states, as well as residence staff, spent 3,400 hours decorating the White House.
  • Candy canes began as straight white sticks of sugar candy used to decorated the Christmas trees.
  • The2009 Gingerbread White House is 56 x 29 inches and made with 250 lbs of chocolate and 140 lbs of gingerbread.
  • In Mexico, wearing red underwear on New Year's Eve is said to bring new love in the upcoming year.
Due to the number of varieties, cookies will vary by recipient. Please consult the recipes on this site for information on ingredients.